Controlled RX



Order controlled substances safely, securely, and efficiently



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Controlled Substance Ordering System (CSOS)

Under the authority of the Controlled Substances Act of 1970, the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), Office of Diversion Control (OD) regulates the manufacture and distribution of controlled substances in the United States. 


This regulatory control is designed to prevent the diversion of legitimate pharmaceutical drugs into illegal channels and to ensure that there is a sufficient supply for legitimate medical uses.  


The DEA’s CSOS program allows for secure electronic controlled substances orders without having to complete the supporting paper DEA Form 222.  Using a technology called PKI, CSOS requires each individual purchaser to enroll with the DEA to acquire a CSOS digital certificate.


Using CSOS provides many benefits to our customers, including:


  • Ordering Freedom: CSOS transactions are the only allowance for electronic ordering of Schedule I and II controlled substances, but may also be used for Schedule III-V substances. Additionally, CSOS has no line item limit for a single order.


  • Faster Transactions: CSOS Certificates contain the same identification information as DEA Form 222, allowing for timely and accurate validation by the supplier.  Faster transactions allow for just-in-time ordering and smaller inventories.


  • Accurate Orders: CSOS reduces the number of ordering errors.


  • Decreased Cost: Order accuracy and decreased paperwork result in a lower transaction cost.